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Instintos de trading

La psicología del trading nos habla de los diversos factores psicológicos que pueden incidir en las decisiones que tomamos en materia financiera.

The concept further purports that these factors can result in behaviours like biased thinking, irrational choices, or subpar knee jerk actions. Trading psychology also highlights the significance of self-awareness, effective risk management, emotional regulation, and a balanced mindset to navigate the stress that trading evokes and make rational decisions.


Trading instincts are a key component of an individual’s trading psychology. They refer to those gut feelings or intuition that a trader often develops over time or through trading experience. They’re usually acquired through ongoing learning and practice, and require staying informed about market news and events, and economic indicators.


La capacidad de confiar en sus instintos de trading implica tener una gran autoconciencia. Debe saber distinguir entre las decisiones que toma basándose en datos racionales y fundamentados de las que toma dejándose llevar por sensaciones y emociones. Muchas veces, comprensiblemente, la línea que separa objetividad y subjetividad queda muy difuminada, así que es muy importante aprender a discernir una de otra para tomar decisiones que lleguen a buen puerto.


Trading instincts are typically impacted by 3 psychological phenomena. Let’s explore these in more detail.

Sesgo sensorial

Sensory bias is derived from the notion that we form an opinion using information that may be biased. We constantly gather data from multiple sources all around us. This action is what allows us to operate day to day.


Y también nos ayuda a aprender. Claro que no todo lo que nos llega tiene un sesgo, incluso si pensamos que así es. Suele pasar cuando nos exponemos a un solo punto de vista sobre un tema o evento en particular repetidamente. Si no tenemos nada con lo que contrarrestar este punto de vista, probablemente nos formemos una opinión basándonos en un solo lado de la historia, convirtiendo los "hechos" en un sesgo.

Evitar lo desconocido

This concept refers to fear of the unknown. It is an action whereby we avoid something we don’t know, something unfamiliar, something that may (or may not) occur. In the world of trading, this type of behaviour may lead to a very low tolerance for risk, and thus unprofitable financial outcomes.



There are a variety of reasons that avoiding the vague comes about. Losing money may be one reason. Another lesser known reason is the fear of making money. This is because the trader may become scared that their gains will be lost, either through tax obligations or by other means, like aggressive market fluctuations.

Tangibilidad de la anticipación

La anticipación se vuelve tangible cuando el sentimiento que provoca pasa a dominar al trader y este se enfoca en dicha sensación en lugar de centrarse en conseguir lo que anticipó al principio.

That feeling of anticipation can become so all-consuming, almost addictive, that the trader loses sight of achieving what they anticipated. Notably, anticipation is influenced not only by objective analysis but also by the collective psychology of market participants.

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