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La gestión emocional en el trading

Emotional trading is a fundamental part of trading psychology. Also known as emotional investing, it pertains to the evocation of different behaviours as a result of bumpy markets, leading to the emotional buying or selling of assets.

Pánico, entusiasmo, miedo, avaricia, arrogancia, entre otras, son algunas de las emociones que disparan estas conductas.


Understanding the impact of these emotions is important in the context of emotional trading as they help us understand what powerful motivators they can become when dealing with capital.

El trading emocional y el comportamiento de los inversores

El comportamiento de los inversores se ha convertido en el foco de numerosos estudios sobre la gestión emocional del trading, que tratan de explicar qué sienten compradores y vendedores cuando tienen dinero entre las manos, y qué es lo que les impulsa cuando se enfrentan a decisiones financieras.


And by gaining an understanding of behavioural impulses while navigating unpredictable markets, one is better able to mitigate poor decision making. After all, it is both feelings of euphoria and depression that have the potential to drive negative trading outcomes, despite falling on opposite sides of the spectrum.   

Knowing how to handle your emotions, be they happy or sad, is key to maintaining a balanced and strategic approach to trading.  It also requires overcoming cognitive biases to cut your losses when necessary and prevent emotional attachments from clouding judgement. 

Examples of popular biases include herd behaviour, emotional gap, self-attribution, mental accounting and anchoring which we discuss in more detail here

Estrategias para reducir el riesgo del trading emocional

Emotional trading is an inherent challenge in the financial markets, regardless of your expertise.  By building a resilient and disciplined trading approach, you’ll likely be able to maintain objectivity and keep your emotions in check. There are many ways to do this.



Por ejemplo, diseñe un plan que le proporcione un marco racional para operar y no se aparte de él. Asegúrese de que incluye puntos de entrada y salida del mercado y objetivos de beneficio. Además, use herramientas de gestión del riesgo para proteger su capital y limitar pérdidas.



Diversification is another way of staying the course. It spreads risk and avoids emotional attachment to specific investments. Gain a robust understanding of the markets and the factors that drive bullish and bearish trends. Knowledge and data are vital in making decisions based on fact rather than subjective rationale.

Operar sin emociones es difícil, pero no imposible.

Si dedicamos tiempo a descubrir cómo nos comportamos y a entender la tolerancia al riesgo de cada uno, levantaremos unos fundamentos sólidos para gestionar el impacto negativo del trading emocional de una manera eficaz.

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