The trade4trade logo symbolizing global trade


You have asked us, and we have made sure to provide the right answers. Our frequently asked questions have been developed with you in mind and are regularly updated based on new information and your own input. We have gathered everything that could be useful throughout your journey with us, from opening an account, to funding, downloading a platform and trading. T4trade is here for you to offer the help and support you need.

T4Trade Logo on a Black Background: A Striking Emblem of Financial Excellence and Trading Precision
Blue circle on black background
a red cycle with black background
Blue Cycle on Black: A Symbol of Endless Motion

How can we help?

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The procedure of account opening is easy and fast and takes less than 1 minute.

We require a recent utility bill (Water/Electricity bill) or a recent bank statement dated within the last six months. Please note that we are not accepting online statements and mobile phone bills.

You can change the leverage on your account via the client portal by clicking on `Actions` next to the account you wish to amend. This button can be found on the `Overview` tab under My Account. Your account should not have any open positions to change the leverage.

You need to download one of our MT4 trading platforms or start trading through the MT4 WebTrader via your browser.

Open your client portal, click the `Forgot Password?` link and enter your email address in order to reset your password.

You can open an additional account via the client portal. Click on `My Accounts`, then `New Account` and follow further instructions.

Internal transfers can be made via the client portal. Click on `Transactions` then `Internal Transfers`. Choose the respective accounts and the amounts, then press `Submit`. Please note that the balance has to match on the `From` account.